This workshop is about chord and fingerboard theory, scales, chord shapes, rhythm, practice skills and guitar maintenance. We’ll learn how to create your sound with your guitar and amplifier, how to use effects and what a metronome is for. We’ll also explore the electric guitar in a worship setting and how to build a solo part.
Requirements: Basic knowledge of guitar playing and music theory. This workshop will be held in English (the teacher understands German, though).
Alter: ab 14
Max. Teilnehmerzahl = 10
absolvierte das „Guitar Institute of Technology (GIT), Musicians Institute (MI), London (UK)“ mit einem „Platinum Diploma“. 2003 schloss er sein Theologie- und Philosophiestudium ab. Er zählt zum Herzstück der kroatischen CCM-Szene, tourt regelmäßig durch Mitteleuropa und hat bereits mit Grammy-Stars wie Hillsong, Matt Redman, Delirious, Michael W. Smith etc. gearbeitet.